Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Week 6 of Classes Week 2 of Blogging

Here I am. I've placed myself in from of my laptop, finally, to blog as I said I would. And I find it difficult not because I don't want to write (I always enjoy writing) and not because I don't have things that might be interesting to talk about, or because I don't want to share. Rather, I find it difficult deciding what to share and what to leave out. A lot does and does not happen in one week, and if you sit down and attempt to write about it you find that you have both too much and too little to say.

I think I've decided that the primary thing I would like to share this week is a photograph. I could talk about the TV show research project I'm working on that is both very exciting and very time consuming. Or I could share the news I've had from home, or the dream I had last night. I could talk about some of the professors Dr. Shenk, my adviser, introduced me to last week (most interesting of all the emeritus professor who immediately began telling us about when he was in India and drank what I understood to be a hallucinogenic drink...he then peed in the street). I could mention the Neanderball game or the pretty awesome candle (from Miss Morgan) I have burning right now or the tea I'm about to brew. I could discuss traffic or weather or readings etc etc. 

But what I really want to share is this photo:

Yes. Yes that is a class photo! How exciting is that? It was taken yesterday on the steps of Swallow Hall, the anthropology building. I should frame it next to my kindergarten class. And in twenty more years frame one of myself and my (knock on wood/don't jinx things) students. Fun little snapshots in time.

The fellow in the middle with the yellow shirt and vest is Napoleon Chagnon. If you are interested in anthropology at all you should give him a Google. Also Google William Irons. He is to the upper right of Chagnon. Directly behind Chagnon is Dr. Lyman, the department chair. And to the far right bottom is Dr. Shenk, who you should also of course Google (and by Google, I mean click the links!).

Everyone else pictured is in this semester's theory/history of anthropology graduate seminar. It is a photo filled with all sorts of awesome.

To top off all of this awesome, and wish you all a good night, I would like to share one of my new favorite people, Lindsey Stirling. Her music is fantastic and if you watch her, she is guaranteed to make you smile (if this video doesn't given you a grin, check out her Skyrim or Zelda videos). What's even more exciting is that I just found out she's coming to Columbia October 8 and tickets are only $12! We are absolutely going. It is going to be an incredible show!

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