Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 4 Concert etc

I said last week that I was hoping to be able to start posting weekly photos. Unfortunately, I currently have no way to charge my camera (am going to look into ordering a new charger). I miss being able to take photos quite a bit, particularly during my first couple of months in Missouri! I am afraid that by the time I get it charged the novelty of a new town will have worn off and it won't be as fun to photograph mundane things like frat houses. And I have to take pictures of Fall! The leaves are already changing here, and it is absolutely gorgeous. My favorite time of year.

That being said, I refuse to fail my weekly photo goal (at least for this week)! Thus I stole a photo (shhh) from Lindsey Stirling!

During the concert on Monday she got her band members to take this photo for her Instagram:

Do you see us?! If you do you should probably get your eyes checked. We are there- towards the back all the way to the left. There were a lot of tall people up front so we were standing on the side where the floor is slightly tilted. I had hoped that would help me see. It didn't. One bone I have to pick with almost every concert I've ever been to (with the exception of those where everyone sits nicely) is that I just can't see. This was an even more disappointing issue during Lindsey's concert because she dances a lot and I really couldn't see her. On the plus side, they had a big screen above the stage where they showed videos of various things, so I could look at that if I got tired of looking at the back of people's heads. The music was fantastic and the opening act was decent and short (normally I hate opening acts). Unfortunately the main show was also pretty short; Lindsey only played for about an hour. It was still a great show though! And I liked the venue- small with a unique look inside (this was at The Blue Note).

Other than that, the main event this week was waking up yesterday morning to a dog with a face swollen to almost twice its normal size! She acted like nothing was wrong at all, but she looked...well, hilarious really. But I took her to the vet to make sure the reaction wasn't worse than it looked. She is doing a-okay, just allergic to some bitin' bug around here.

So it seems as if Missouri isn't agreeing with our animals quite as well as it's agreeing with us (or me at least, I guess I shouldn't speak for the both of us!). Hopefully no vet trip next Tuesday!

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