Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 21 An Unexpected Journey

This weekend-or, rather, this past week- has been an interesting one, in a mild way. Things have not really gone as expected, in both "good" and "bad" ways, one could say. But that is the product of life and living and taking chances, however small. Unexpected things happen. I won't get into all the details, of course, but may as well give a brief summary of things this week that stand out in my mind...

Last Saturday Dominic and I went to see a movie for the first time since we moved (thanks to a gift card from Dominic's mom). The last movie we saw was Prometheus, during the summer. This time we saw The Hobbit. I really enjoyed it and those are just the kind of movies to go see in the theater: great visuals. It really made we want to reread the book- there was a ton that I had forgotten. I think my favorite part [minor spoiler] was when the dwarf king woke up and the first thing he asked was if Bilbo was okay. So cute! The casting was great- and who doesn't love Gandalf?

On Monday I lost my Eye of Horus pendant- I reached down to touch it like I tend to do throughout the day and it was gone. The chain was fine, the pendant just gone. I have had it for years and wear it constantly so I was very bummed to lose it. This is actually the second one that has been lost- my first one, which I also wore almost daily, I gave to Dominic to put on his dogtags while he was in the Navy. He left it in a drawer at a hotel we were staying at and it was stolen along with his tags. It is as if I can hold on to these for a certain amount of years and then they just move on to someone/somewhere else.

It was also early in the week when Dominic and I went to bed but couldn't sleep...every 30 seconds we could hear a beep. It sounds just like a smoke detector low on batteries. It is not coming from our apartment or from the hallway...we are pretty certain it is coming from our neighbor (it is loudest when you put your ear to the wall). And I say IS because it is STILL BEEPING. We sleep in the guest room now. That neighbor is seldom home but I've seen her around so I am not sure if she is just ignoring it or...? It isn't the easiest thing to ignore.

Dominic and I also spent some time with some new friends. I went to an unexpected Happy Hour with some people in the department and enjoyed listening and just getting out. I watched another excellent Indian movie- Sholay- a "curry" western. If you like westerns you would definitely like it, but it also had unique cultural aspects to it that made it different. I Skyped with Mom and Darrell for the first time. And just when I thought my streak of good mail was over, I got an unexpected letter and article from Dad. We had a guest lecturer, Dr. Wayne Brekhus, in my Ethnographic Methods course which I really enjoyed. He is a professor from the Sociology department who does ethnographic work. He wrote Peacocks, Chameleons, Centaurs. I always enjoy hearing people's ethnographic/field experiences. I painted my toenails RED for the first time, ever, and was surprised how much I liked it. The book club is actually REALLY helping me keep reading fiction, even more than I anticipated. It provides a friendly deadline.

Some other things are going on that will carry over into next week, but I will share that next time...

Last night I watched an EXCELLENT documentary. Perhaps one my of favorite documentaries to date. I definitely recommend it. It is called Craigslist Joe and you can watched it on Netflix.

My productivity level has been really low, despite staying busy in meetings and classes, but I KNOW I am going to get stuff done this week...

Oh also, my phone has been somewhat fickle lately, and I've noticed that it sometimes neglects to ring and just goes straight to voicemail. So if you call me and want a call back don't forget to leave a message! USUALLY it notifies me of a voicemail but not always, so if you call me and don't hear back from me in a decent amount of time, let me know. I've noticed this has happened a couple of times and I don't want people to think I'm ignoring them.

I haven't really taken any photos this week- or done anything that warrants taking photos- so I took this one during Ripley's bath tonight, just for you.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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