Friday, May 31, 2013

Almost Adventure Time...

Starting tomorrow, the ball gets rolling. Mom and Darrell will arrive and I will have a few more days here in Missouri before I will be headed back the 16 hours to Virginia for a few weeks. I am super excited to show some more of my family our new town. I know the big adventures will come later, but I can't help but feel like this is where it all starts! Our so far cozy 10 months in Missouri will be interrupted by my spending 2 1/2 months traveling. It is funny how attached you can get to a place in as little as 10 months! Missouri certainly does feel like a home to me.

But I am just about ready to get this adventure ball rolling, if for no other reason than the waiting is starting to kill me! There is always a part of me that is leery to go, wanting to savor whatever time I have left wherever I am at that moment, but at a certain point the waiting gets to be enough for me and I'm just ready to get all the bummer parts over with (like saying bye to my boo!) and get the exciting parts going. I'm kind of tired of thinking of what I should be taking and am ready to just be taking it, regardless of what is forgotten or not. I vow to NOT over-pack. My mother is probably going to be appalled at how little I am going to take. I am probably going to be appalled too. But we always carry way too much stuff with us anyway. And that's the thing- it's just STUFF. I figure, worst case scenario, I forget some important stuff, or I lose all my luggage even; well Bangladesh has clothes and soap and suitcases too, right? It will be fine. I need a new Bangladeshi wardrobe anyway!

I will very soon be leaping out of my comfort zone and into some flurried times. Seeing as many family members and friends as possible while also trying to prep for Bangladesh is not going to be the easiest of time management tasks. I can pretty much guarantee there will be people disappointed that I did not get to see them very much or as much as they would like during my time at home. I apologize ahead of time but trying to fit 10 months of family/friend time into 2 weeks when I have a BIG trip ahead of me is going to be pretty unrealistic...If you feel slighted in any way it is completely unintentional and, well, you'll just have to come visit me in Missouri then :)

So anyway, it is almost adventure time!

Unfortunately I don't have a companion to do the Adventure Time fist bump with (it is probably kind of sad how disappointed I am about that). But mentally I'm fist bumping all of my readers!

Does that sound weird?

Anyway, here are some Summer in Missouri photos:

It seems like there are more rabbits around here than squirrels.

This photo was actually taken in color.

We've been having some pretty amazing skies after late afternoon summer storms; natural sepia tone.

Just a random object photo: the books Dominic and I have had our noses in for the past few days. I've been back into Dhalgren now that the semester is over. Dominic has started The Magus, its on one of those top 100 lists.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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