Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Week 12 I will return...

...when this week is over!

Brain is numb. Lots to do. No freedom til Friday.

Can't come back until my coffee table no longer looks like this:

At least I have the Christmas tree up for a little holiday cheer! Haven't had a chance to decorate it yet. Just lights and the star. 

Sorry for the lame blog posts...I promise I will get better after this week...

Oh, and since it isn't a complete blog post without a critter pick, here's Ripley in a coat, just for good measure: 


  1. I want that coat in blue or green for my dog! Lol, unlike Mr. Kitty's creeper status.

  2. Mikey would rock it! And I didn't even notice Mr. Kitty was there until after I posted the picture. Lol
