Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 27 The Missing Week and the Fanny Pack Faux Pas

Well, I finally missed an entire week of blogging. This weekend, however, was not a weekend for any sort of real or coherent productivity. I did the things I had to do- like grocery shopping, cooking, some cleaning. But other than that I took a major breather- I think I did about 30 minutes of productive work. I spent the weekend hibernating, watching movies (I really enjoyed Lars and the Real Girl, which is on Netflix...if you are interested in movies that are more on the unusual side), and catching up on sleep. I even did some one-player video-gaming; I've had L.A. Noire for over a year and still haven't finished it.

I also spent a good chunk of time last night making this fantastic Shepherd's Pie. Ohhh it was soooo gooood.  But it did take two hours to make. Usually I am really against meals that take such a long prep time, but this was actually worth it. I think the beer is what makes it. It makes it so full and rich. Yum.

By extension, that reminds me...thanks to Facebook I have discovered one of my favorite new websites: #WHATSHOULDWECALLGRADSCHOOL

If you are at all interested in understanding grad school culture, this is a great site to start. It is somewhat focused on more hard science based study, but a lot of their posts are applicable to all grad students and I spent a ridiculous amount of time one day browsing and laughing. Here are some good examples:
What My Stipend Goes Towards
Trying to Settle on a Thesis Project
When Someone Tells Me They Saw My PI [or adviser] at a Party

And this one just makes me giggle, every time:
When My PI Drops the F-Bomb

Oh and this is what we woke up to yesterday morning:

It looks like Virginia got some snow this time too though...I'd wonder how our inches compare? ;)

So in the past few weeks I have actually gotten some sizable pieces of the semester over with...I have finished two days leading discussion for archaeology theory, I did a presentation on photovoice in ethnographic methods, and I led my seminar in my violence and inequality class. Now all that's left is to research and write three pretty sizable papers...if I really get started on those this week (SPRING BREAK!!!) I may actually be able to maintain some semblance of sanity for the rest of the semester (haha I'm so funny).

Of course I've also been doing other research here and there...on dowry, on the TV show project, and I've been trying to tease out some potential long-term research topics (thesis/dissertation ideas...). I've also been trying to get stuff together for my trip to Bangladesh, as there are a lot of forms to submit and deadlines to meet, and that has been stressful just because I'm afraid I will mess up one little thing and not be able to go...that one clerical error could screw it all up is terrifying! [but that's just my paranoia talking, I know]

But let's not talk about scary things. Let's talk, instead, about fanny packs.

Or maybe you find fanny packs somewhat frightening as well. See, I've noticed that there is a lot of nose-crinkling disgust for the practical little thing we unfortunately call the fanny pack. I think this is largely because when we hear "fanny pack" we think of this:

Which is an '80s/'90s brand of cool, but I can see why someone would find this a somewhat unforgivable fashion faux pas. I's bad. The colors are wrong and it is not at all flattering- as a fashion accessory it is an absolute fail. 

But it terms of practicality, it is hard to beat. When I found out I would be going to Bangladesh, the fanny pack was one of the first things I put on my to-buy list. Bag snatching is common; I've read articles about how safety isn't a terrible issue, but bag-snatching is, and people have been pulled off of rickshaws and injured because someone tried to snatch their shoulder-bag or backpack. A fanny pack could prevent this; it is a safer location to keep your camera, money, and other important travel items (though under the shirt pouches are probably even better for things like your passport or credit cards). Not to mention you don't have to have your arms occupied carrying things and they aren't as bulky as a backpack. Plus you can keep it in front increasing your awareness of where your items are. Depending on the size of it, you could even hid it with your clothing.

To further my defense of fanny packs, some modern takes on the fanny pack have been absolutely awesome: fashionable and functional. For example:

The Steampunk Fanny Pack

Now, I am no fashionista and I really don't dress all that well; I have never been much into fashion, nor do I have enough money to worry with it, but I think these are very classy ways to pull off the fanny pack! This is just a handful of some of the actually pretty cool fanny packs I've found online. Perhaps it just needs a renaming? How about the fashion pack? ;) 

Anyway, that's all from me for now. Happy Spring Break to all the Mizzou students and a happy week to everyone!

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