Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 23 Thunder Snow 2013

I think most of you are quite aware of the snow storm that hit a good chunk of the Midwest this week: Thunder Snow 2013. Our area was graced with about 9-11 inches (more or less depending on where you were). Most of you have probably heard my rant or particular story, either through Facebook or just my talking to ya, so I won't go into that in detail...except through pictures! I had my camera with me on Thursday during my 2 1/2 hour, inch-by-inch drive home so I was able to get quite a lot of photos. And of course I have been taking photos ever since. I will try to share some of the best ones here. I guess this post will be more of a photo journal sort of thing:


From the top of the parking deck

Do I look cold here?

Time for the 2 1/2 hour, 3 mile drive home.

Lots of cars were abandoned...and rightly so.

Made it- but not gonna make it into our parking lot (especially as, in this picture, you can't even see that I'm taking a picture of the parking lot; the lot has since been cleared, but Granada hasn't- it is a lot of slush now)

Dominic, after a 3 1/2 hour walk home.

REAL icicles in his beard!

The rest of these were taken either Friday or Saturday

Shadows and the moon

I know these two are pretty similar, but I couldn't decide which one to I posted both...

Saturday night we had a Lazer Tag night! We had a really great turn out and it was an absolute blast. We had enough people for a team of 5 and a team of 6. These pictures aren't great because of course I didn't think to take any until after we had run around the arcade for probably 2 hours or so and played our round of Lazer Tag, so these are all just after the adventure ended. I am totally looking forward to doing this again and was so glad so many people made it out! It was so much fun. Of course the one group picture I got is mostly everyone's back...

Just imagine it looks something more like this:

I am hoping I will have some exciting news to share this time next week- or some news one way or another, so fingers crossed that I hear something soon! We are also supposed to get some more snow Monday night into Tuesday...5-10 inches? It all seems pretty uncertain, so we will see how it goes...

Enjoy your last week of February 2013 everyone!

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